Coming Events

Coming Events to Keep Us Informed

Sophia Inclusive Community 2025 Calendar – Always a work in progress.

All are on Zoom; all times are Eastern Standard Time (EST) 

Liturgy begins at 10:00 a.m. Planning Meetings follow liturgy.

Most events are 7:00-8:30 p.m. EST unless otherwise noted.

SJ=Sophia Junction (Rainbow Railroad)

Calendar as of 1.28.25

Wed. 1/29 Sophia Junction Meeting

Sund. 2/2 Liturgy & Annual Meeting

Tues. 2/4 Meditation

Thur. 2/6 Racial Healing: It’s Complicated.Dr. Linda Caldwell Epps has devoted her

professional life to helping communities understand that Black and White

sisters & brothers are in this world together, striving to make King’s Dream a 

reality. Dr. Epps will guide us to consider the effects of our past efforts and 

how they might inform us as we move into the complex future of the next four years.

Sund. 2/9 Liturgy  

Sund. 2/16 Liturgy

Tues. 2/18 Meditation

Sund.2/23 Liturgy

Wed. 2/26 Faith Sharing

Sund.3/2 Liturgy & Planning Meeting

Tues. 3/4 Meditation

Wed. 3/5 Book Discussion

Sund.3/9 Liturgy  

Sund.3/16 Liturgy

Tues. 3/18 Meditation

Wed. 3/19 Book Discussion

Sund.3/23 Liturgy

Wed. 3/26 Faith Sharing

Sund.3/30 Liturgy

Thur. 4/3 Possible Soc.Justice Presentation

Sund. 4/6 Liturgy & Planning Meeting

Sund. 4/13 Liturgy  

Tues. 4/15 Meditation

Sund.4/20 Liturgy

Wed. 4/23 Faith Sharing

Sund.4/20 Liturgy

Sund.5/4 Liturgy & Planning Meeting

Tues. 5/6 Meditation

Wed. 5/7 Book Discussion

Sund.5/11 Liturgy  

Sund.5/18 Liturgy

Tues. 5/20 Meditation

Wed. 5/21 Book Discussion

Sund.5/25 Liturgy

Wed. 5/28 Faith Sharing

Sund.6/1 Liturgy & Planning Meeting

Tues. 6/3 Meditation

Sund.6/8 Liturgy  

Thur. 6/12 Social Justice: An Interfaith Discussion

Sund.6/15 Liturgy

Tues. 6/17 Meditation

Sund.6/22 Liturgy

Wed. 6/25 Faith Sharing

Sund.6/29 Liturgy

Tues. 7/1 Meditation

Wed. 7/2 Book Discussion

Sund.7/6 Liturgy & Planning Meeting

Sund.7/13 Liturgy  

Tues. 7/15 Meditation

Wed. 7/16 Book Discussion

Sund.7/20 Liturgy

Wed. 7/23 Faith Sharing

Sund.7/27 Liturgy

Sund.8/3 Liturgy & Planning Meeting

Tues. 8/5 Meditation

Thur. 8/7 Possible Soc.Justice Presentation

Sund.8/10 Liturgy  

Sund.8/17 Liturgy

Tues. 8/19 Meditation

Sund.8/24 Liturgy

Wed. 8/27 Faith Sharing

Sund.8/31 Liturgy

Tues. 9/2 Meditation

Wed. 9/3 Book Discussion

Sund.9/7 Liturgy & Planning Meeting

Sund.9/14 Liturgy  

Tues. 9/16 Meditation

Wed. 9/17 Book Discussion

Sund.9/21 Liturgy

Wed. 9/24 Faith Sharing

Sund.9/28 Liturgy

Thur. 10/2 Soc.Justice Presentation focused on indigenous populations

Sund.10/5 Liturgy & Planning Meeting

Tues. 10/7 Meditation

Sund.10/12 Liturgy  

Sund.10/19 Liturgy

Tues. 10/21  Meditation

Wed. 10/22 Faith Sharing

Sund.10/26 Liturgy

Sund.11/2 Liturgy & Planning Meeting

Tues. 11/4 Meditation

Wed. 11/5 Book Discussion

Sund.11/9 Liturgy  

Sund.11/16 Liturgy

Tues. 11/18 Meditation

Wed. 11/19 Book Discussion

Sund.11/23 Liturgy

Wed. 11/26 Faith Sharing

Thur. 11/27 Thanksgiving Liturgy 10:00 a.m.

Sund.11/30 Liturgy

Tues. 12/2 Meditation

Thur. 12/4 Possible Soc.Justice Presentation

Sund.12/7 Liturgy & Planning Meeting

Sund.12/14 Liturgy  

Tues. 12/16  Meditation

Sund.12/21 LiturgySund.12/28 Liturgy